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The Land FAU

World premier of Cleveland’s first locally produced, and filmed series hit the TV screen on Channel 19 Saturday evening. Produced by Cleveland's own Dominique Paramore.

The Land FAU boasts a host of local talent from all over the Northeast Ohio area. The show seemed to be over before it started, but definitely left you in suspense and wanting more.

The show started a little slow but it picked up quickly after a brief introduction of some of the main characters that I’m sure we’ll learn more about throughout the series as it’s set to air every Saturday 11:35-12:05. The acting was pretty good, the 15 year old Murderer definitely stole the show, she seemed very prepared for her role and nailed it. By the way the story was unfolding it looked that it would end in a fairy tale type of way with a good ending, which would be typical in these instances, but actually ended with a surprise that will surely have us tuned in next Saturday for more.

Overall the show should be a good series, i'm sure as we go along the acting will get better and better and the camera shots will improve. Great show for a start up series that was produced all locally using the talents that are available.


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