It has been reported that an estimated 2.5 million children are homeless. The lives they live are far from normal, but a young woman by the name Tanvi Barman of Fremont, California has made it a mission to change that one birthday at a time.
Reported by CBS this Morning's Janet Shamlian Tanvi is just a senior in highschool, but she began throwing parties for displaced children whom she has never met years back. Starting her vision in 8th grade, and being inspired by tagging along with her parents at homeless shelters while they served breakfast. She would play and talk with the other children in the shelter when she wasn't asked to help out. One day being excited about her birthday coming up, she asked the other children when are their birthday parties coming up, but they never responded or were real mum and in a way confused. Which she soon learned that she was around kids that never had a party like the ones she's had. Tanvi sprung into action going door to door looking for vendors and volunteers to offer their goods and services. Going thru a lot of No's because of just being a kid and not being properly licensed without her 503c Non- Profit paperwork it was a struggle. Until she found a pizza shop owned by a product of the Foster system himself. Even tho she caters to children she has never met before, she says within an hour of the party the children are tugging on her, and displaying the trust of someone they have known forever.
The children are homeless and in shelters some whom have never had a birthday party until Tanvi steps in and changes that. Sometimes having a birthday party is not an option with the children living place to place. She states it''s very hard for the children to get a source of happiness in their lives and i can provide them a day were they feel social and loved. Custom cakes and pizzas are donated along with volunteering of a face painter and puppeteer. She has done over 45 birthdays to date. To Donate to No Birthday Left Behind visit nobirthdayleftbehind.com
Check out the CBS interview below
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