KuL Experience recently sat down with Rachel Stivers one of Akron. Ohio's up and coming entrepreneurs.
Introduce yourself, what's your name?
Rachel Stivers, but most people call me Rae
What is the name of your business?
The name of my business is Relax & Emagine with Rae
When did you start your business?
I originally started my business on Mother's Day, May 9th of this year.
What made you start your business?
I have been a part of the healthcare field for the last 15 years, and I was tired of being a robot! So during the pandemic my interest in art grew! My best friend would have art sessions all the time, and I finally went to one and fell in love with it. I started buying canvases and doing virtual classes with others instructors, then I decided to try some images of my own and then started the company with encouragement from my friends and family. I took the classes to become a certified Art Life Coach, and I really wanted to find a way to still help others but have fun at the same time so I came up with the name and here I am!
Where are you located?
I am located on the west side of Akron, Ohio. I do travel to other cities as well.
What services do you provide?
I provide sip-n-paint services to all ages for whatever the occasion may be, and I also sell canvas kits for those that don't wish to come to the events but still have a love for art.
How much do your events usually cost?
The cost usually depends on if it is a private or public event. The public events are $35, but I have an August Bash coming up with Shake N Sips and that's $60 but it includes food by Kim Ks Catering, drinks by Shake N Sips, and the art portion done by myself. Private sessions are the same as well ($35) if they request 11x14 canvas size, if not then the 8x10 are $25 and they include a disposable smock, a pack of paintbrushes, acrylic paint, easels, and a cute fan. I do require a non-refundable fee of $50 to start the process once the theme is set and I also require a minimum of 10 people.
What is your target audience?
As of now, my target audience has been between the ages of 35-44, and naturally, it's females but I do have some males that have shown interest as well.
What do you enjoy about what you do?
I enjoy proving my clients wrong lol the most popular sentence I get is "I'M NOT AN ARTIST!" Well, guess what?? Neither was I before the world shut down!!! You never know what hidden gems you have in you until you try it, and by the end of the session I have a room full of beautiful creations and none of them look the same as the canvas sitting to the left or right of them.
Where do you want your company to be in 5 years?
In 5 years I would love to be in my own art studio, fully self-employed and living with a new purpose.
How can people contact you?
Instagram.com/relaxandemaginewithrae and my Facebook business page www.facebook.com/relaxandemaginewithrae, find Rachel Stivers or call me directly @ (330) 510-9415 during business hours!
Make sure you support Rachel in her new endeavors and let her know where she can improve and also what she does great! Let's uplift each other and expand!
To be featured on Kul Experience contact 330-776-5050 anytime!