Imagine being in your home, playing a video with your 8 year old nephew and you hear noises coming from your window. You check your window and get shot by the police who for some reason is lurking around your house.
On Saturday, October 12, 2019 Officers responded to a non-emergency call from a concerning citizen who stated, his neighbor unusually had their front door was open at 230 in the morning. The Dallas-Fort Worth PD has released the body cam of the officer who shot and killed Atatiana Jefferson in front of her nephew. Jefferson was babysitting her nephew, playing a video game when police showed up to her home. The 8 year old nephew was in the room with Jefferson the whole time during the incident. He witnessed his aunt get killed by the police who are sworn to protect all citizens.
Today Aaron York Dean was arrested and charged with murdering 28 year old Atatiana Jefferson. He was booked in Tarrant County Jail and will be tried. This is by far one of the fastest arrest of an officer that I have ever seen.

During the video the police did not state who they were, nor did they try the front door. Instead they crept through the back of the house and treated the incident as if it was a dispute call rather than a welfare check up. Reviewing the video, the officer "Aaron Dean" fired immediately through the back window of her home. Dean graduated as a peace officer last August. Fort Worth PD states they continually do diversity training and other training's to prevent this issue. According to their statistics the department has had 9 police related shootings since May and at least half of them resulted in death of the civilian.
A press conference was held today regarding the tragedy and the resigning of the officer. Police Chief Ed Kraum states he would have fired the officer had he not resigned. Kraum stated both criminal and civil charges are being pressed against Officer Dean, as the investigation continues. The family has an attorney who spoke for the family during a press conference of their own. Attorney stated the officer " Didn't have time to perceive a threat, before he opened fired". After the shooting police posted pictures of a gun that was found in Jefferson's home.
The Mayor of Fort Worth stated in the press the gun that was found was irrelevant to the case. Considering Texas is a comfortable state where having a firearm in the home is beyond normal, the point of posting the gun was beyond pointless and shows the lack of integrity of the officer. A go fund me account has been made for Atatiana Jefferson and the proceedings will go to her homecoming and her family.
A preliminary case is also underway for civil actions. Jefferson's father calls this shooting "Senseless" and states he does not want a hug from the judge or the officer but rather criminal charges be placed on officer. This is a real tragic incident and the way the officers handled the welfare check had to be way off from the protocol. Unless it is SWAT and they are doing a raid or something they should not have been lurking around her house. If its a welfare check they should have been concerned about the home owners well being rather than treating the incident as if it was a criminal call. Another press release will take place tomorrow regarding more information with the case.
The most disrespected person in America is the black woman. - Malcolm X
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