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Lebron Buys Over 800 pairs of Shoes For I Promise Students

NBA star Lebron James is the founder of The I Promise private school. On Monday, he blessed his students with 800 pairs of Lebron 16 shoes. James posted on twitter he wanted his students to walk and learn in style. Students came to school today and received a gift they were not expecting. With ten different styles of color, the students had an opportunity to pick out which ever ones they wanted. A great way to start off the school week.

The I Promise private school opened July 2018. The school is located in his hometown Akron, Ohio. In July 2018 he raised the I Promise flag as a start of the beginning of an I Promise future. I Promise is a private school for at risk youths. The school is catered to 3rd and 4th graders with an expectancy to be fully developed by 2022 with 1st-8th graders. The students are greeted to high fives every morning and with the offering of free breakfast, lunch and a snack helps students and parents worry less about paying for food. Lebron stated in his interview last year how difficult it is for students to learn on an empty stomach. Having an essential meal helps to have a productive day. The I Promise has their own model of "We Are Family". "Our We Are Family philosophy help us to be a nationally recognized model of urban and public school excellence." Says principle Brandi Davis.

Student at I Promise receives the Lebron 16s

The school's family based environment helps students academically, socially and keeps parents involved in their child's education. I Promise School as well as the University of Akron and J.P Morgan Chase has teamed up to give all students that graduate from I Promise with a 3.0 GPA will receive a full scholarship to The University of Akron. This is a great encouraging reward for students to work hard and strive for greatness. The difference with I Promise compared to other public school is their school hours and holiday breaks. Stepping out of the traditional norm school hours are from 8am-5pm, with scattered vacation breaks through out the year. This may not seem fun for the students but it will pay off academically.


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