Apple has announced they will be hosting an event called “By Innovation Only“. The event will take place next month, at the Steve Jobs Theater in Cupertino, California.
The Apple team didn’t go in to detail about what they will discuss. However more information about the iPhone 11 is said to be announced as apple has reported they will be launching three new iPhones, including the two “Pro” models to replace the iPhone XS and the iPhone XS Max. Although iPhone sales have declined drastically as customers aren’t getting their phones upgraded frequently. It seems like a new iPhone comes out every 6 months. Consumers aren't in a rush to upgrade as quickly as they use to. According to cnn.com apple is in a continuous trade war with China due to the slow down in sales with the new phones, however this hasn't made Apple slow down content. Apple is going through a lot of changes as the companies long time design guru announced back in June he will be leaving the company after 30 years. This event will give apple an opportunity to show they are only continuing to get better. It is rumored Apple will discuss the launch of a new apple watch, air pods and new tech design on iPad's. A lot of new gadgets and updates will be discussed at this event. There has also been talk about the new colors in the logo representing new iPhone colors. This event will for sure be worth attending.

Apple recently had a privacy issue, as Apple contractors were listening to the commands for Siri. Apple made a public apology and states they are working on keeping customers recordings private. Apple CEO Tim Cook believes privacy is a fundamental basic human right. Last month Apple temporarily suspended the account after The Guardian made a post about contractors listening to customers conversations. This sent Apple to review their system and promise to make changes regarding customers privacy, by not keeping the recordings of customers talking with Siri. Apple takes initiative on customer privacy regardless of new technology and systems.
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